Cars for Sale in Omaha, Nebraska
The Godfather can tell you all you want to know about Omaha, Nebraska. Oscar-winner Marlon Brando is just one actor who calls Nebraska's state capitol home. Other famous people hailing from here include President Gerald Ford, Nick Nolte, and Malcolm X. Omaha experiences fairly cold temperatures, with highs in the summer around 80 degrees and lows in the winter around 13 degrees. It receives a significant amount of precipitation (30 inches/year), including a sizeable 28 inches of snow during the winter months. Weather Channel even ranked Omaha the 5th coldest major U.S. city as of 2014.
The word "Omaha" comes from a Native American dialect meaning "Dwellers on the bluff." Lewis and Clark were the first pioneers to travel through Omaha, though it later became a prominent fur trading outpost. The founding of the Union Stockyards in 1883 led to Omaha becoming a hub for the meatpacking industry. By 1950, half the city was employed by meatpacking companies.
One of the unique features about Omaha is the variety of ethnic enclaves that exist in the city. These include Irish, German, Italian, Bohemian, and Gold Coast neighborhoods. Due to its prominence as the state capitol, Omaha has traditionally had a more diverse population than the rest of the state.
Omaha also boasts a large number of successful business leaders. The most prominent of these is Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffet, though he is not the only one. Omaha ranks 8th among the largest cities in the U.S. for per-capita billionaires and for Fortune 500 companies. The city has seen tremendous economic growth since 1990 because of the diversification of these companies, and the city was even identified by Newsweek in 2001 as one of the top-10 tech havens in the country.
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